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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mild Gallbladder Flush

Mild Gallbladder Flush

On the day or two preceding the Flush, it is important that you are having regular bowel movements and that you do not have a fever or other pronounced cleansing symptoms. Otherwise, you may feel nauseated or very poorly on the day of the Flush.
Cleanse Ingredients

The following proportions are for one flush for the average adult. Mix the following ingredients together in a high-speed blender:
  1. 1/2 cup organic tomato juice
  2. 2 tablespoons of Olive Oil (organic, extra virgin, cold-pressed
  3. 1/2 tsp. freshly grated, raw, organic garlic (avoid commercial garlic which is usually too weak)
  4. 2 caps Turmeric, a special liver-cleansing herb. Open the capsules, then add to mixture.
  5. To swallow: 2 caps of Gallbladder Complex to help to dialate the neck of the gallbladder.

  1. Mix the above ingredients in a high-speed blender to make your first drink.
  2. Drink this mixture (your first drink) first thing in the morning. Follow immediately with two capsules of Gallbladder Complex.
  3. Wait 15 minutes, then drink a second drink (make the second drink using the same ingredients above again). Follow with two capsules of Gallbladder Complex.
  4. Wait 90 minutes before eating or drinking.
  5. Repeat the Liver/Gallbladder Flush once a week for 2 months.At lunchtime, you may eat your regular lunch and take your lunch supplements. At dinnertime, you may eat your regular dinner and take your dinner supplements.Most people find the Liver/Gallbladder Flush drink pleasantly spicy and because of the olive oil, rather filling. Waiting 90 minutes before eating lets the Flush work its way through the digestive tract, unhampered by any food.
After The Flush

After the Flush, I recommend taking 1 tsp each of Gallbladder Detox and Liver Detox daily along with the Gallbladder Starter Kit, designed to boost the optimal functioning of the liver and gallbladder
How often do you do the Flush?
Repeat the Gallbladder/Liver Flush (both doses) once per week for 2 months. If you have been chronically ill, you may need to take only one dose of the Flush each week or skip weeks in between using the Flush. To help achieve optimal liver health, repeat this Flush series at least once a year.
What do I eat while on the liver cleanse?
On the days that you do the Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse:
  1. Have your lunch and dinner contain a large, fresh organic salad with lots of leafy greens (no head lettuce)and grade 10 vegetables (cooked and raw).
  2. Avoid additional oils or fats (such as butter, oil, dressings, fried food, etc.) in order to maximize the flush.
  3. Salad dressings may contain any of the following: avocado, garlic, onion, herbs, sea salt, or other spices.
  4. Use minimal amounts of protein (meat or dairy), or preferably none.
  5. Snacks may be homemade vegetable soup, vegetable broth, fresh, raw organic vegetable juice (preferably home-juiced), fresh raw vegetables, herbal teas or purified water.
  6. Avoid all fruit on this day.

Caution: If you are chronically ill or under a doctors care, check with you doctor before trying a new program.

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