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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Major Gallbladder Flush


The Gallbladder Flush can be used by those who have had gallbladder removal as well as by those who have not. This is because there are often gallstones in the liver and in fact, most likely are if you've had them in the gallbladder. The problem with bile has its root in the formation in the liver. A flush helps to alleviate congestion due to gallstones and/or thickened bile A person can have gallstones after gallbladder removal because this underlying problem of bile stagnation has not been addressed. Congestion can be a problem in the gallbladder and in the liver itself as well as in the bile ducts.

Many people have done this flush successfully. Some do it 2 or 3 times a year just to keep the bile moving. If the stones are too large and unable to pass through the bile ducts, not only could that cause excruciating pain, you could end up having your gallbladder removed in the emergency room. Gallstones are made of cholesterol primarily but also calcium. If the stones are large and calcified, there is more chance for complications. So if you know you have stones, I suggest you find out the size and type from your doctor. If you know your stones are of the calcium variety or are very large, DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS GALLBLADDER AND LIVER FLUSH!

Note: It is recommend you consult your physician before doing this flush.


There are several versions of this flush. Step two is optional but very helpful. Plan to do your flush when you have a day off with no commitments. We'll assume you've chosen a Saturday.

  1. For two weeks before the flush, take 1 tsp Phos Drops in 4 oz of unfiltered organic apple juice first thing in the morning and last thing at night with. This is the most important part of a gall stone diet as it should help to dissolve the stones.
  2. The week of the flush, from Monday to Saturday take the apple juice Phos drink following lunch and dinner as well as in the am and pm. Add ¼ cup of the beet recipe to your salad at lunch and dinner.
  3. Two or three hours after lunch on Saturday, take 8 capsules of DiSodium Phosphate with ½ cup warm to hot water or 1 tsp Epsom Salts in 3/4 cup water.
  4. Take another 8-12 capsules at least one hour before dinner. These will not dissolve with cold water so make sure it is warm to hot. Or 1 tsp Epsom Salts in 3/4 cup water.
  5. Eat a light dinner of only salad or fruit.
  6. Just before bed, drink 4-6 oz. of extra-virgin olive oil. (I have found the Omega Nutrition Organic Olive Oil available from omega nutrition to be the most palatable for this procedure.) Follow this with 2 Tbsp. lemon juice and 3-4 droppersful of the liquid phosporic acid available gallbladder starter kit.
  7. Lie on your right side with your knees pulled up for at least ½ an hour before you fall off to sleep. If you are too nauseous to sleep put 10 drops of the afore-mentioned liquid phosphoric acid in an 8 to 12 oz glass of water. Sip on this throughout the night as needed. It should keep you from vomiting, but if you do so, do not repeat the olive oil at this time.
  8. When you get up, (but not before dawn) take another 8 capsules of DiSodium Phosphate with ½ cup of warm to hot water. Or you can take Epsom Salts again.
  9. You will likely pass small green balls in your stool. Be sure to note their size and number. As you repeat this flush a few months later, the number and size of stones should decrease considerably. Some people will pass the stones at night instead of or as well as in the morning.
  10. Two hours after the 3rd dose of salts, take 6-8 capsules again of the DiSodium Phosphate or 1 tsp Epsom Salts in 3/4 cup water.
  11. This procedure can be quite exhausting so plan on spending a quiet day at home.
  12. Eat normally, if you are able.


This is an old folk remedy that has been used very successfully for both gallbladder problems and liver problems. Often used it as a mild version or alternative to the gallbladder flush. It can be used for all sorts of stomach complaints as well as constipation. It is also an alternative menstrual cramp treatment and a uterine fibroid treatment. Regular treatments give better results. For gall stone treatment, consistency is imperative.

You will need:
Cold Pressed Castor Oil Wool FlannelHeating PadPlastic Wrap or a large plastic bagTwo Old TowelsOld Clothing such as pyjamas or sweat suitBaking sodaMuch of the above is for protection from the castor which is sticky, messy and stains. keep an old set of clothing that you use just for castor oil packs. The first two ingredients you will find at a health food store. The brand of castor oil is available at "Home Health." They also make wool flannel. Cotton flannel will do if that's what you have.

Directions for Castor Oil Packs

  1. Prepare your bed or couch by placing an old towel where you are going to lie. If you are going to use an electric heating pad vs a hot water bottle, you will need to situate yourself near an electrical outlet.
  2. Saturate the wool flannel in castor oil. It may be heated first if you like.
  3. Place the flannel over your liver and gallbladder area. Do not be skimpy on the area covered. It is better to cover more than less. I tend to go as large as my heating pad is.
  4. Place a piece of plastic over this sticky flannel.
  5. Put an old cloth or towel over the flannel.
  6. Place the heating pad over top of this and keep it as warm as is comfortable for you.
  7. Keep it all on for an hour and try to do it at the same time each day (don't skip it if you can't, though). Do this for 7 days in a row.
  8. Wash the area thoroughly with baking soda and water.

The traditional version of this has you taking "small doses" of olive oil two or three times a day. It is suggested ½ teaspoon to 1 teaspoon at the most. After the 3rd or 4th day you should observe some stones in your stools.

My own addition to this protocol is to drink organic, unfiltered apple juice ½ hour at least before breakfast and just before retiring at night. Add the beet recipe to your diet at ½ beet daily. Avoid fried foods especially, but other fatty foods as well.

Disclaimer :Only your doctor can properly diagnose and treat any disease or disorder. The supplements discussed herein are not meant to treat any disease but are for nutritional support of the body only. The user understands that the information in this website is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or a pharmacist.

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